A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Control your spaceship in an asteroid field moving left, right and using jet propulsion to avoid colliding. You are gonna die for sure but you can keep trying!


Asteravoids (WIN) 1.1.zip 7.7 MB
Asteravoids (OSX) 1.1.zip 20 MB

Install instructions

Download and open .zip. 
In case of MAC security alert could be shown, just open the file .app (using right click if necessary) and ignore the alert, this is a safe game :)

Development log


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Buenas Dr. Kucho! no he conseguida hacer funcionar el juego. Me sale el mensaje de error "falta el archivo unityplayer.dll" a pesar de reinstalarlo.

Tengo el motor Unity instalado.  ¿Puede faltarme algún archivo?

Updated the name of the game to AsterAVOIDS because , we found there is already a game with the previos name and because the new one is ten thousand times more ingenious and appropriate LOL